Water is the most valuable natural resource for human generations. We can not imagine our life without water since we cant survive more than 12 days without drinking water. I am fortunate that I have easy access to clean water in my house without any hustle. Today on world water day let’s figure out why we need to change!
“I remember a day when our water purifier was not working & how my family went crazy for getting purifies water”
Recently I was reading a survey by United nations where around 1.2 billion people have no access to drink clean water. Water scarcity is not only affecting drinking water but sanitation & domestic use also. Where is busy in making fastest train of the world, we can not avoid the base of life.
A global picture of water crisis is worse than we get to see. Everyday lifestyle of Asian & African countries are under threat of physical & economical water scarcity. India is one of those countries which is approaching to physical water scarcity caused by economical water scarcity. Climate change is one of the major reason for water scarcity.
The world map of water scarcity is shown in the gif below:
The figures clearly shows the how severely water scarcity is grasping Asian & African countries.
“Physical water scarcity results from inadequate natural water resources to supply a region’s demand, and economic water scarcity results from poor management of the sufficient available water resources. According to the United Nations Development Programme, the latter is found more often to be the cause of countries or regions experiencing water scarcity, as most countries or regions have enough water to meet household, industrial, agricultural, and environmental needs, but lack the means to provide it in an accessible manner”
Some photographers have clicked these real situations of water crises. If you still don’t care then we are stealing the human rights which must be divided among every individual.

The scene is not new for me & for any Indian citizen where there is no access of water in many areas of even urban cities like Delhi. People wait for water tankers to replenish their domestic needs. Housewives schedule their day according to water tanker arrival since if they miss it, her family has to spend a thirsty & dirty day without water.

This is a pictured shared by Hollywood star Leonardo Decaprio has shared a picture about water crises since he is active volunteer supported for Global issues.
We are not naive to accept that it’s not a fair game for water equality for all living beings.

This is picture from Nigeria where 57 million people have no access to clean water. They are helpless to get water from whatever source they can be it’s polluted or hazardous to health. A tentative report says about 45,000 children die every year in Nigeria because of poor sanitation & diarrhea. Does it matter to you when you leave your tap open?

Wetlands & physical water resources in India are demising at a higher than we imagine. Half of the population in Indian already facing water scarcity or approaching to. Women in rural areas put their life on risk to collect water from dried wells & walk for miles to reach back home.

NDTV India had shared this pictures of a village suffering with water scarcity where people are going down in the well with the help of roper to collect water left in the digs of well. This is the most horrible picture I have seen in water crisis. How does it feel when you cant find a chilled water bottle in a hot summer day? Think before you you waste every drop of water!

Africa is the most affected zone of water scarcity. There is this little boy is drinking water from a dirty pit hole left in the entire area.

Dried wetlands is the new face of physical water scarcity which is affecting the production of crops. In the picture these ladies are walking up 3-4 hours to get enough water & they still they get dirty water.

We are born equal & we have no right to vanish our natural resources by wasting it. Try hard to reserve every drop of water by technologies or simply by being little more cautious before you wash you wash your car with a gallon water.
Happy World Water Day!